Monday, February 1, 2010

Numbers, Numbers, what do you mean?

Answer from my neighbor!

"The numbers between 100 and 150 (in your view finder or info screen) were probably your shutter speed. Put a 1/### and it tells you how long your shutter is open for. So, if it said 100 it was open 1/100th of a second. The shorter it's open the better it can stop the action. If it's open too long it will be fuzzy due to camera shake or the subject moving.

A good rule of thumb is that you can hold 1/mm of the lens. But since your camera has a 1.5x smaller sensor you need to multiply it by 1.5. So, your 35mm lens can probably be hand held at 1/50th of a second assuming your subject is holding still. 1/100+ is a good number for an infant. 1/200 is good for a moving toddler, maybe even more."

I will experiement soon and post my results!!

Thanks for your help neighbor!!!

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