Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Miss A...

Oh so photogenic and smiley!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Sneak peak of Miss M and Mr N...

First things first...

I am going to attempt to write a few posts about how to get out of the AUTO setting on your camera. There's a lot to think about when taking a picture. I read a blog called My 3 boybarians. I read the first three posts all in the same night. I even hauled out my camera and did the "homework" assignments so I could work along! I was amazed at what I learned! The thing I liked the most were her analogies. She did a great job explaining each part of the camera so it was easy to understand. That is what I am going to attempt to do!

Here it goes...
First, your lens is everything! The actual camera is really just a light box. Yes, it does things that will make your pictures good but learning to use your camera in a mode besides AUTO will make your pictures great! I'm not saying go out and buy a new lens. I'm just saying know what you have and what it will do! For example the lens that came with my camera is a 18-55mm f4.6. I have a 35mm f1.8 that I use all the time.
Play around with your lens.

This blog post was all about getting familiar with your camera. Read the manual!

Try reading this post from the blog I mentioned above it explains the shutter speed.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


is not always getting eyes and bodies in the picture! It's all about the details and what story you want to tell!

I read a great blog entry on Clickin Moms about Perspective. It really makes you think about telling a story with your photographs...not always thinking about getting faces in a shot. I love the details of Lily's chubby little fingers in the image above. It really makes me think about her little sausages holding the teething keys as she gnaws away at them!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


So, Amazon was running a special on Photoshop Elements 10 AND I had a gift card! I did it! I purchased Elements and finally got it all loaded onto my computer. I also went shopping (the free kind) on a blog called The Coffeeshop Blog. She posts all kinds of free actions! Well, after much frustration and a lot of Google searching and reading, I loaded a couple of actions and tried them out. This is my friend's super cute, miracle baby! He's one month old and just as cute as can be! I used an action from the Coffeeshop called Storybook Vintage! It turned out so perfect! I can't wait to try it on others!